
Active Learning Catalysts Project Details

As introduced on the Home page, the Active Learning Catalysts project seeks to increase the adoption of technology-enhanced active learning in STEM courses by implementing a faculty development program that integrates training in active learning pedagogy within a technology-facilitated student-centered learning environment. This section of the Teaching Commons provides information about the project's:

  • Background - A summary of the circumstances and environment that led the team to develop the project.

  • Objectives and Strategies - An overview of the project's goals and the plans for accomplishing them.

  • Broader Impacts - What the project may accomplish beyond increasing adoption of active learning.

  • Participants - A roster of the faculty and support staff associated with the project.

  • Timeline - An schedule of high level project tasks.

The information in this section is largely abridged from the project summary and project description for the NSF TUES grant that provides funding to the project. Please refer to this PDF of those documents for more details, including citations and full descriptions of the project's objectives, expected outcomes, and assessment plans.



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